Trade Agreement with Alterra

Import: Health care, Food
Export: Vehicles, Wine.

Total Agreement: 921 billion

Orwyn-Cyrodian Trade Agreement
This document certifies that the participating parties, the Galactic Totalitarian Empire of Orwyn and the Cyrodian Republic, hereby agree to commence in trade following the date 25 November 2009. These two nations cannot restrict the flow of trade unless there is evidence enough to restrict the flow of trade.

Trade may be restricted in a time of war, civil unrest, and other emergency situations that call for a state of emergency to be announced.

The two participating parties agree to trade, from Orwyn, Vehicles and Consumer Goods for Cyrodian Electronics and Vehicles. This trade will encompass about 1.5 trillion Empera Crowns annually.

From the date this agreement is signed until it is null-and-void, this treaty will be enforced by both participating states.


Timothy Washington Justin R. Kuemerle
Cyrodian Chancellor Orwyn Emperor