Orwyn Central Military Command

A sub level in the Ministry of Defense OCMC represents the Minister of Defense in the flied  and OCMC also runs the protection program for the Royal Family to insure they are safe and alive and ready to take the throne if needed. Special Orwyn Royal Guard Service or SORGS is the section of the military charged with Royal Family protection.

The OCMC also acts like the DMCC. There are 50 seats on the OCMC. 25 seats are held by Orwyn. 25 by Demaga. Administrator Levi Boucher heads and leads the OCMC and he is a 51st seat on the OCMC and votes only in case of a tie vote.


Levi Boucher aged 62 is the leader of the Orwyn Central Military Command. He handles most of the military in Orwyn and is the only person besides the Emperor with say over the Azasu. He is also the Director of the Demagan Military Central Command. Where there is direct boss is Administrator Taylor. Levi started life as a poor child in a poor family in Orwyn. They were just able to get by thanks to the government programs he was able to get an education and join the Imperial Military. He quickly showed to be officer material and he worked with in the SORGS for a number of years. He soon proved to be valuable at OCMC were he helped plan great works such as the Azasu. Just 3 years ago he was selected as the Administrator of the OCMC. He has thus pushed for a larger military budget and better pay. He wishes to see no one suffer the poverty that befalls so many that do not seek the government aid. He uses half of his pay to run a program to teach people of the services of the government and get them registered if for some reason they have been removed from the system. He pushes a mighty military champaign but an equally large humanitarian effort. He since his time serving in the OCMC has become and avid drinker and smoker and he enjoys a fine cigar and glass of whiskey when in executive sessions to ease the stress. He also holds the 2nd largest collection of Orwyn wine wnd only to the Royal Families stocks.     

Director of SORGS

'File Photo'
The Director of SORGS is Morris Delaney and the photo to the left is the only known photo of the Director. He spent the first part of his career protecting the viscountess until the day he was assigned to protect the Emperor he was able to hold that detail for just over 2 years before becoming Deputy-Director. He has held the post of Director for under a year. As soon as he took the job he past seemed to "disappear" including photos, medical records, school records. Everything that could seem to make him a member of society was made beyond "Top Secret".  

Agent X

Agent X is always assigned to protect the Emperor unless he degrees a change in plans. X is the best training and genetic engineering in Orwyn can produce. He is never meant to be seen while protecting and if he is then someone is going to die.

Guards with motercade
Small attachment of guards